My Experiences In #WikuFest3 about Mozilla Class

I want to tell you about My Experiences In WikuFest3

Mozilla In Wikufest3 2014

This is the most valuable experience over the years, joined the show that makes the spirit created in the year following the next. Wikufest3 thanks for old Student of SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang who had to make the show really cool and useful . Additionally thanks for the Mozilla team has given exceptional knowledge beneficial really.

Experience can follow the 3 class session Mozilla 3 , want to see again with Rara (@RaRa79), mas Dwi Hardiyanto (@dwihardy) , mas Rodin (@Rodin) and mas Arief Bayu Purwanto (@ariefbayu). Even though each session have other material exciting, but all is new experiences for me.

   -----------------------------Session 1 Mozilla---------------------------------


In class Ms. Rara experience in class who was discussing about "How to contribution in Mozilla: Support Mozilla ( SUMO ) and L10N Project ". Let alone the really exciting class time hours - the first hour we invited Ms. Rara make video call at her friend in German , his name Rodin . Rodin was also active role in Mozilla, as a translator of English into Indonesian .

picture : Ms. Rara give some information about SuMo (Support Mozilla)

            Mas Rodin also tells about the story of the origin can join whit Mozilla. Mas Rodin also provide information about what lot we can do to participate in Mozilla , for example mas Rodin sharing links

Back to Ms. Rara also gives useful information really helpful, other things:

·           How to contribution in Mozilla - >> that is how the hell do we as ordinary people could participate in Mozilla
·         About Helping Users - >> save the world in a way that is
1.      Support Mozilla article Translation
2.      Army of awesome
3.      Write help articles
4.      Answer question in the support Mozilla
·         Helping in twitter

                      picture : presentation of Ms. Rara
And there are many more which are all beneficial really. Oh yes Ms. Rara also gives a lot of information about how the hell do we can support to Mozilla by the way - the easy way, and probably almost anyone can do i. There is information that I really can trace the inspiration for that: we do not need a programmer to join it in Mozilla people from any field can join to participate in Mozilla, for example, Ms. Rara a former dentist and now she move profession into a translated English into Indonesian language.

   picture : Ms. Rara give some information about SuMo (Support Mozilla)

 -----------------------------Session 2 Mozilla---------------------------------


              This time session I’m with mas Dwi Haryanto Firefox which is a leader in the college Student Ambassador. In this class we described at mas Dwi about what the heck Firefox Student Ambassador?? And what the hell are we doing as a Firefox Student Ambassador?? . Wow this also includes knowledge or very useful information although feel sad because can’t join because there are new rules that he said before the age of 18 years can’t join become a Firefox Ambassador.

     picture : mas Dwi give some material about Firefox Student Ambassador

Mas said Dwi many activities that can be done Firefox Student Ambassador as :
·         Promote Firefox Student Mozilla
·         Support the successful launch of Firefox OS in community ( walaupun saat ini Firefox OS belum  launching di Indonesia.
·    Support the successful launch of Firefox OS in the community (although currently not launch Firefox         OS in Indonesia
·         Educate others about Mozilla’s mission
·         Grow the Mozilla Community ( like did mas Dwi )

A Student Ambassador Firefox also has individual activities you know. Anyway exclamation of Dwi mas story anyway . - __ - . Oh yes mas Dwi also provide a reason Why do we have to join into Firefox Student Ambassador , which trace the reasons I was so very important to train I could probably learn to be a leadership.

While explaining about Firefox Student Ambassador ( FSA ) , turned out to be an FSA may not be as easy as we follow sumo Level and probably no age restrictions . And while listening to an explanation of the FSA , the FSA seems to me to be an activity that might be interesting because in addition to when we gather with our Community , we will also get information from members Community itself.

And maybe when I was 18 years old I could combine into an FSA , FIREFOX STUDENT AMBASSADOR 

 -----------------------------Session 3 Mozilla---------------------------------
In SESSION 3 ( or sessions 1 and 2 on the second day WikuFest ) :


When each session is guided mas Arief Bayu Purwanto . When before entering the class a little confused, because it is required to carry a laptop . A little scared because if the order can’t create coding or other. But fortunately there mas Bayu explained from the elusive so it could be really easy, and all that is taught in the class is very useful mas Bayu. Especially because Firefox OS, a new thing that I do not know at all let alone in Indonesia has not launching.

From start to finish coding , from making a simple project turned out to be complex enough to almost all fairly easy , but still there are difficulties in some God willing things can be overcome . Actually coding is taught fairly easy, considering we had already been taught about Java Script and CSS . For 3 hours we are taught mas Bayu many things but not much else very much.
But still for 3 hours, were spent with explanations, step - step and much more knowledge than Firefox OS is cool. Why is it really cool because, how could edit it through a browser and do not require a fairly complicated program to another OS.
Mas Bayu very easy sharing and easy explanation described makes the material easy to grasp described. Oh yes there is also Mas Dwi who helped in the classroom BOOTSTRAP DEVELOPMENT YOUR FIREFOX OS. Mas Dwi also very helpful, mas Dwi also easy sharing and easy to talk to. Classes are filled with coding or script which is usually pretty boring, to be very interesting. Interesting because Firefox OS application that is very easy to apply, so the information and knowledge gained easy to remember.
In addition there was a very festive quiz in class, although can’t participate because they have not finished their project. But seniors XI presented into evidence the results of his work that Firefox OS is easy to learn and understand. Moreover thanks to Mas Bayu already giving project for a month, but still have not thought of what would make .

Thank you very much to the present in TIM MOZILLA WIKUFEST3 , which has been providing information , knowledge and knowledge that I know a lot yet. Thank you very much no hope to meet again next year in WIKUFEST4 ... :D. Thanks for gift Mozilla...


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